Saturday 20 August 2011

week 7 b- database

this is the last assignment for this subject. so,  we are asked to create a simple database for student management information using in openoffice base. first, to create the database, we have to plan what to fill in the tables. there are four different tables that we have to create, which are student table, parent table, curriculum table and cocurriculam table. for all those table, student is used as primary key. after creating all the table, go to tools and click relationships. create relationships between the tables by linking the students id.  after that, use wizard to create form. there must be four forms altogether. (students, parent, curriculum, cocurriculum). next, I manage to create queries and the report of the database.





as a conclusion, doing the database gives me the advantages. I'm pretty sure that I will have to create the database for my students in the future. if before, I don't even know that we can create the database using openoffice base. even worse, this is the first time in my life using this openoffice base and never heard about it before. To be frank,  I've learnt a lot of things through out this short semester by doing the assignments for this subjects. even some of them are really confusing, however all the problems can be solved. thanks a lot to the course coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah and YM Tengku Norazlan, my lecturer who help us a lot in encouraging and supporting us in learning this subject. I guess thats all for this semester. have a nice day!!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

week 7 (learning about spreadsheet)

7a-open office Calc
this week assignments require us to plan, create and edit a simple one year financial management in spreadsheet using openoffice calc. As I remember, what we need to do is: we have to name every sheets according to the month. we have to create a formula to calculate the balance for each months and link the formula between the sheets. It is not easy to do in the first place. but, with the help of guidance form Fadhli Aminuddin, my classmate, I finally manage to come out with my own financial management. the print screen below shows the overview of the spreadsheet of my financial management.

what I get from this spreadsheet lesson is that thing is not difficult in the world as long as we know how to deal with it. as in my situation, I really don't know how to do this task even after reading the question for a few times. then, I put some effort to ask my friend who able to do this task well. luckily, he is very generous, most of my classmates asked him for the way to solve the question. after trying fill in the salary, and expenditure, and how to get the balance from the previous months and the total balance, I finally know how to use this spreadsheet. Next time, if I want to manage my annual financial, I can just do it the same way as I'd done. it's easy :)

7b- excel
for excel, we need to create a spreadsheet of the student score and grade analysis. this time, we are introduced by the foreign terms such as VLOOKUP, STDEV, AVERAGE and COUNTIF.
with the guidance from Sir Tengku Norazlan, I manage to complete the score and grade analysis including the graph.

Doing all this thing give me lots of benefits. it is worth learning this assignment as I know one day in the future I might have to use all this stuff in school. well,teachers-to-be have to be familiar with key in students score and analysis grade so that it will be no problem in doing this thing later on. Actually, it quite confusing to find all those VLOOKUP, STDEV things, but I ask my course mate how to do all those things until I manage to complete it. we help each other to produce a better product :)

Friday 12 August 2011

WEEK 6 (creative effective multimedia production)

meet again! teheeeee~
for this lesson, we still revolve around the use of multimedia. this time, we are learning about creative effective multimedia production which  required us to use presentation skills. the link for us to find the information on how to create a creative, comprehensive, and smart presentation is given. we have to follow visual design guideline for CRAP and CASPER. besides, we are also have come across the open office impress and Microsoft office power point for the lesson this time.  the links for us to do the online learning are well provided. things we required to learn is about the slide master, impress tutorial and power point tutorial. what is slide master? according to the information on provided link, slide master is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation, including the background, color, fonts, effects, placeholder sizes, and positioning.
Every presentation contains at least one slide master. The key benefit to modifying and using slide masters is that you can make universal style changes to every slide in your presentation, including ones added later to the presentation. When you use a slide master, you save time because you don't have to type the same information on more than one slide. The slide master especially comes in handy when you have extremely long presentations with lots of slides.
as to apply the knowledge, we are assigned to do two parts of assignment.

assignment 7 (a)
based on the mini research and the journal that have been produced in the previous assignments, we have to create a presentation kit using impress. we have done it by following the guideline for good presentation skills-CASPER. after that, we upload the presentation using google docs with my course mate.

assignment 7 (b)
for assignment b, we have to develop multimedia courseware by using power point. the courseware should include all multimedia elements such as video( have to edit in movie maker), a layered graphic/image (edit in GIMP), custom animation (edit in GIMP), and audio (record and edit using Audacity).

as for the reflection, I enjoy doing this assignment although it needs a lot of patient and hard-working. the are software that I don't even heard before. by learning this assignment, I finally come to use the unfamiliar software like Microsoft sound recorder that need to be downloaded and installed. we have done several digital assignment in other course before, but as I don't really know how to use the technological equipments , I'm just able to use Windows movie maker as it quite familiar for me. I've been using it for quite lot of time to edit the video and make a movie presentation. therefore, by learning this assignment, the practice of using this applications of creative and innovative multimedia will make a product effective. that's all for now. till then, bye~

Saturday 6 August 2011

week 5-Multimedia in Education

this time we are learning about how to create  creative and innovative  product by using many kind of creative software and tools.  for desktop publishing microsoft, we have to come out with a brochure/leaflet that must be designed using microsoft publisher. besides, we also required to use one of word processor software  either microsoft word, openoffice writer, and online word processor-google doc.

assignment 6 (a)
my partner and I already plan, design and create a creative, innovative and ethical brochure by using microsoft office publisher for this task. the content of this brochure is related to our topic "original and licensing software". below are the lists of the graphics editors that can be used in creating the brochure.

  1. open office draw(OSS)
  2. online google draw (collaborative drawing)
  3. 2D graphic editting software- bitmap and vector images
  4. microsoft paint
  5. use drawing facilities in microsoft power point (can save as bitmap graphic- jpg,bmp)
  6. GIMP(OSS)
Therefore, for creating our own brochure, we made use of  miccrosoft paint and other drawing tools to edit and make it beautiful and creative. normally, the images are saved with various format such as GPEG, GIFF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, nad WMF. This is how our brochure looks like! have a look!

done with brochure thing. next, we move to next task.
assignment 6 (b)
for this assignment, we have to plan, design and create a booklet using bookfold function in word. we decide to do this assignment in Microsoft office Word as we familiar with it. the related graphic in journal article can be inserted in this booklet and we did insert certain important extract in the booklet! besides, we also insert the images by using correct format. click  here to view our booklet. 

for me, it is easier to use Microsoft paint, power point and google doc to create an image rather than others. however, I reviewed that all of the tools and software have the value and each have something unique to offer.  
using all these kind of multimedia, I would say that it needs your creative thinking in order to fully understand how to apply the application. with the help of the provided links by Dr. Siti Fatimah, We are able to digging up some knowledge from the software. I believe I can apply this multimedia approach in teaching and learning  later. the using of multimedia in education is very important so as to vary the style of teaching and learning.  I guess, that's all for now! bye!  :-)   


Friday 5 August 2011


In the last lesson, we have done with simple survey which required us to use survey monkey for pilot test and Google Doc(spreadsheet and form) for the real survey.
As a result, me and my partner managed to collect 21 people who answer the survey. so, the next step need us to analyse the data by using SPSS.
Before that, we are suggested to study about DIKW which represents Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. these four hierarchy of Russell L. Ackoff' model are about the content of the human mind, how human brain receives the input and works.

So as in relation with our survey, we use these steps in making the final report.
Firstly, we collect the data. By having the data, we have the information and by analysing the data we get the knowledge. then, in the future we can make a wise conclusion based on our understanding on the matter. wisdom is normally more systematic.

Okeyh, back to SPSS. this is the view of how SPSS looks like.

Once we click on SPSS, we will be directed to this page where we need to fill in the data. we can start naming the variable view. after finish installing the data, we can run the analysis.
click on the 'descriptove data: frequencies'. in a few minutes, output will be displayed in SPSS viewer. The table from SPSS viewer can be copied and pasted to OpenOffice writer for reporting.
from the result of the survey, we are required to key in all the variables in the variable view accordingly. then, right after finish filling the variables part, we can start filling the survey result in 'data view'. it is located at the bottom of the SPSS. In the data view, we have to import all the data from the online questionnaire spreadsheet. after finish, we can straight away run the analysis. go to 'descriptive data' and find for 'frequencies' and wait for the analysis to complete. finally, the output is viewed in SPSS viewer. next, we have to copy all the table and the graph and paste it into open office writer/ microsoft word.
what we are going to do with this table of frequencies and all that?
for your information, we have create a report of this research in journal article format complete with reference. the report must consists of:

  1. title
  2. abstract
  3. introduction
  4. literature review
  5. research approach
  6. finding
  7. discussion
  8. conclusion and recommendation
check out my yahoo group for the report!

as a conclusion for this week, I get new knowledge from the activities done through out this week regarding the use of SPSS statistic software. as to mention, I've never come across this software before through out years of living. with the guidance from Sir Tengku Norazalan and my friends, doing the task is not as hard as the first my impression ever think of it. besides, I learn that it is not that difficult to to do the survey and produce the result once you know the steps and what should you do. with the collaboration with my partner, this task is managed to be completed in time. therefore, with the introduction of SPSS software to me, I might need to us this software later in the future. and if it is so, I'm sure I'll have no excuse to say that I don not know about it at all. so, it is a great opportunity to have in learning something new and useful. I guess that's all for this week.have a good day~

Thursday 28 July 2011

week 3(b) reflection- questionnaire

hello.... Another assignment is on-going! so, today we are required to come out with a questionnaire regarding the previous assignments which are assignment 1 and assignment 4. To go on with the task, we have to create 10 simple questions for a survey research related to Original and Licensing Software. first, we have to register by sign up at in order to create our own questionnaire.Once we are done with the question, we have to spread the links to our classmates so that they can answer our questions and give feedback.  after getting feedback, we are required to create demography and questions in variety format such as multiple choice questions, checkboxes, and scale. This is important as we will be using this for coding purpose in using SPSS for next lesson. Next, we have to create the real questionnaire in google document and send the form to the coursemates. later, we will study the spreadsheet for this online questionnaire.

As to complete this task, it is not as easy as ABC. however, we finally manage to create the questions after propose the questions to our lecturer for several times. At first, our question is not appropriate and seem to lose the focus. Then we improvise our question again. unfotunately, it seems to be rejected again. we almost loose our patient aond give up in doing this task. But, we suddenly come out with positive thinking saying that others can do, why we can't? therefore, we take the opportunity to seat together and discuss on the matter. using the brain to generate an excellent idea to form a new question is very tiring and make us exhausted. we follow the instruction from the course proforma closely so that we won't miss the important points that we should do. This survey has been doing on the students from IPGKDRI and IPGKS.  we also receive the survey from all of them. only now, we are still waiting for the result of the survey. thanks guys for answering our survey. your commitment to spare some times with the survey is kindly appreciated! :-) have a nice day!!!

Assignment 4 (reflection)

Again, this is pair work. so, as usual me and my partner cooperated together to do our work. For this time, we were assigned to do report and literature review on the problems faced by original and licensing software in Malaysia. we did some research on this topic.
We took the articles from two UKM database, 1 and 1 google scholar as mentioned in course proforma.

UKM database
we need to search two journal articles from UKM online library  . It contains a lot of useful articles for the students as to be used as references. Not all people can log in into this library as the user need to enter the username and the password first. so, we log in into with username and password  given by Dr. Siti Fatimah, our course coordinator. 

google scholar
easy as abc, we just search for the items needed and start reading and processing the information from the articles. we just type the URL for google scholar which is to get started.
there are a lot of books in here. we find some very useful for our research. there are a lot of other fields of books that one can use as source of  references. we can get free full preview books without any charge added. to preview and save the books, we have to sign in with our google account first.

Then, after doing the research by digging up some articles and books, we have to end up our research by writing a report in Open Office Writer software.
Open office software is just like microsoft office but comes with more features in it. As we have a little knowledge on technology especially in relation with software,
we did ask our coursemates on certain things that couldn't fix well our knowledge and thinking. Burning the midnight oil with my other friends in order to finish this assignment was mesmerizing, yet stressing. however, we manage to do and upload the file in yahoo group by early in the morning. ^^
before, when i do my assignments, I never look up the articles our journal article or books from the google scholar and In fact, I never know about the presence of this google scholar and books before. poor me ~ but now, I can make use of both this website as my reference for my study later.

To wrap up, this task is not an easy task at all as it needs us to put more effort and hard working instead of team spirit. However, it brings us a lot information and knowledge . tq~