Friday 5 August 2011


In the last lesson, we have done with simple survey which required us to use survey monkey for pilot test and Google Doc(spreadsheet and form) for the real survey.
As a result, me and my partner managed to collect 21 people who answer the survey. so, the next step need us to analyse the data by using SPSS.
Before that, we are suggested to study about DIKW which represents Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. these four hierarchy of Russell L. Ackoff' model are about the content of the human mind, how human brain receives the input and works.

So as in relation with our survey, we use these steps in making the final report.
Firstly, we collect the data. By having the data, we have the information and by analysing the data we get the knowledge. then, in the future we can make a wise conclusion based on our understanding on the matter. wisdom is normally more systematic.

Okeyh, back to SPSS. this is the view of how SPSS looks like.

Once we click on SPSS, we will be directed to this page where we need to fill in the data. we can start naming the variable view. after finish installing the data, we can run the analysis.
click on the 'descriptove data: frequencies'. in a few minutes, output will be displayed in SPSS viewer. The table from SPSS viewer can be copied and pasted to OpenOffice writer for reporting.
from the result of the survey, we are required to key in all the variables in the variable view accordingly. then, right after finish filling the variables part, we can start filling the survey result in 'data view'. it is located at the bottom of the SPSS. In the data view, we have to import all the data from the online questionnaire spreadsheet. after finish, we can straight away run the analysis. go to 'descriptive data' and find for 'frequencies' and wait for the analysis to complete. finally, the output is viewed in SPSS viewer. next, we have to copy all the table and the graph and paste it into open office writer/ microsoft word.
what we are going to do with this table of frequencies and all that?
for your information, we have create a report of this research in journal article format complete with reference. the report must consists of:

  1. title
  2. abstract
  3. introduction
  4. literature review
  5. research approach
  6. finding
  7. discussion
  8. conclusion and recommendation
check out my yahoo group for the report!

as a conclusion for this week, I get new knowledge from the activities done through out this week regarding the use of SPSS statistic software. as to mention, I've never come across this software before through out years of living. with the guidance from Sir Tengku Norazalan and my friends, doing the task is not as hard as the first my impression ever think of it. besides, I learn that it is not that difficult to to do the survey and produce the result once you know the steps and what should you do. with the collaboration with my partner, this task is managed to be completed in time. therefore, with the introduction of SPSS software to me, I might need to us this software later in the future. and if it is so, I'm sure I'll have no excuse to say that I don not know about it at all. so, it is a great opportunity to have in learning something new and useful. I guess that's all for this week.have a good day~

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